Thursday, 27 January 2022

Wealth Sectors, Your Potentials, and Wealthlinkhub Market

 Your Wealth 

You want to understand your wealth, wealth sectors, and your potentials, to take advantage of your strength and develop valued enterprise and legacy. You want to understand the wealth in you to generate estates that are worth more than million dollars.

There is wealth in you. There is greatness in you. You want to understand and appreciate what you have to develop it. You want knowledge to appreciate the wealth in you, and the potentials you possess.

Your Unique Life Purpose

You should understand that you are unique, and you have a unique life purpose. You should appreciate that only you have a commission to fulfill your life purpose designed to provide value for people. If only you can identify your life purpose, go for it, and manifest it, you will enhance your significance and wealth. People lack knowledge and fail to focus on manifesting their life purpose.

Your Passion and Interests

There are things you love to do. There are things you have passion for. You have interests. These are qualities that make you unique. You would usually perform well when you engage in doing things you love to do. Again, doing things you love to do usually leads you to manifest your unique life purpose. Take some time and run a personal survey of your likes. Check out the things you love to do, and the things you have personal interest in.

Can you identify what you love to do? Are you developing your life and business on what you love to do? This is helpful because you want to manifest a legacy that is in tune with your life calling. No need to spend your efforts on what you do not care about.

Your passion and interests could reveal your potentials. Identifying your potential will help you appreciate how to use what you have to get what you need.

What is Wealth?

“Wealth is the value of all assets of worth owned by a person, community, company, or country. "

What are the assets of worth that you own?

Many will readily check cash they have at hand, their bank balance, their stock certificates, their mansions, cars and material possessions. However, the wealth you have is more than money and material possessions. Money and materials possessions make up your financial wealth. You need other wealth sectors to develop financial wealth. When you ignore other wealth sectors and focus on financial wealth, you create an imbalance.

You can only develop the wealth in you satisfactorily when you understand your wealth, wealth sectors, and your potentials. You have Financial Wealth, Spiritual Wealth, Health Wealth, Intellectual Wealth, Relationship Wealth, Time Wealth, and Socio-Political Wealth. Read quality books of interest on these wealth sectors to equip yourself and get knowledge on how to enhance your wealth. Leaders develop their potentials and knowledge by reading quality books on their fields of interest.

Your Potentials

Everybody has potentials that can be used to create wealth. You too, have great potentials that you may apply to scale your significance and wealth. You can identify your potential by focusing on doing what you love to do.  Identify what you love to do. Keep improving on what you love to do. Do what you love to do with passion and develop your skills, so that you can  turn your passion into something that gives value to people.

Wealthlinkhub Market for Your Delight

Financial Freedom for the Rest of us

Download Aurelian Amacker’s Ebook, “Financial Freedom for the Rest of us” for FREE.

In 96 pages you will discover:

The 3 steps to becoming Financially independent

2 methods to help you find your ideal business hustle

The exact number of those who have achieved financial independence

Click on link below for more details.

Visit Link

Business Coach: Turn 1 hour of work in a week into $2,000 a month

Aurelian Amacker has put together a short video course that teaches people how to make $2,000 a month by working just 1hour per week as a business coach.

The course will show you how to achieve these results even if you are starting from scratch .

Course sells for only $7 Click on link below for more details.

Visit link

Read and Earn $Millions: Enhance Your Wealth 

This book introduces you to an online step by step guide to develop from the level you are in to a level you deserve to be. The easy to read books illustrates how to scale your wealth and significance, become an effective leader, and guide others to achieve their goals.

You get equipped to enhance your wealth and earn $Million and more when you apply the recommendations in this book. 

You too can become a successful achiever.

You can attain Financial Freedom 

Readers of quality books get knowledge of principles that leaders apply to enhance their wealth. Read this book and learn how to scale and earn $Million  Visit link below for more.

Monday, 10 January 2022

Your Entrepreneur's Role to have your Dreams come true

 I have a special request from an associate. He viewed a post I published on my website and shared on Facebook. He thought the post should be featured on this blog. It is a humble opinion but I respect associate's opinion. 

You have a role to play in your quest for significance, greatness, life of value, Financial Freedom, Time Freedom, Relationships Building,  Family and Wealth Enhancement. 

Simply put, your role is self development. You want to become a better you. You want to become an effective leader. You want to touch the lives of others. You want to apply your passion and potentials to develop products and services that provide value for people. You want to create a legacy. You want to become a successful entrepreneur. You want to turn out a successful achiever.

You can achieve these lofty goals. You can scale your status. You can learn to manage your time so that you enjoy time Freedom even as you produce more. You can create time to be with family and friends. You can work out your schedule to earn more and create time for vacation, and recreation. You can work from home, learn to do what you love to do, develop your skills and passion to develop products and services that give value to people. 

You can cooperate with other entrepreneurs, promote your skills and products of others to generate amazing income. You can read and earn great income. Reading quality books will equip you with ideas, knowledge and techniques that successful achievers apply to scale their life and Business. 

The key is  knowledge. You get the knowledge from books, mentors and associates.

However, when you have got the knowledge, you should do what successful achievers do. It is your role to apply the knowledge. 

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." Bruce Lee

It is one irony and paradox of our time, that against the backdrop of 4th Industrial Revolution and Business opportunities that abound everywhere, our world is challenged and burdened with low Entrepreneurship knowledge and deployment. It has been noted with concern that inefficient Entrepreneurship deployment and skills stalls the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs)

You have a role to play to promote Entrepreneurship globally, promote productivity globally, and make our world a better place. 

You need to start with self. Work to develop self and develop your enterprise. Work to identify your life purpose, your passion and interests, your potential and vision. 

Work to mentor others and influence them to identify what they love to do and develop products and services that provide value for people. 

Work to support Entrepreneurship globally. Entrepreneurship is one vocation that could support nations and communities to develop their socioeconomic potentials and help people out of poverty and stress.

You do well to start from developing self, but no one should work alone. You could join a Global system to mobilize and support entrepreneurs to scale their Business and life. 

Join Read and Earn $Millions Program to get equipped and to position self to mentor others and generate amazing income. Read and Earn $Millions Program can support you to transform and turn out a successful achiever and Business leader. 

Click the link below to visit the site for more.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Strategy for Victory in Life and Business


Welcome Year 2022

It is a new year, a new dawn!

It is a thing of joy that by the calendar, we have come to a new beginning. Every new beginning is an opportunity to review plans and develop improved strategies for victory in life and business.

This is very helpful. “In a world of excessive activism and aggressive competition to do more and more, and acquire more and more of everything,” you need to review life experiences and develop a strategy for victory in life.

You need to develop your vision, your mindset, your plans to pursue and achieve goals that add value to your life and that of others. You need to review your lifestyle and approach to pursuit of life goals. You need to check some activities that dissipate your resources while adding no value to your life and that of others.

You need to develop your entrepreneural skills and reinforce your potentials and passion to develop and provide people with quality products and services that add value to lives.

Year 2021

The past year, 2021 has been qualified as a very challenging year for nations, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and all people. The global climate change challenges, the hurricanes and natural disasters that devastated various regions, the continual new variant introduction of Corona virus strains, the disruption of school’s administration and order, and the growing insecurity and conflicts that some countries bear contribute to frustrate governance and entrepreneurship.

Yet, 2021 is marked as a year of innovations and advancement in some areas. NASA successfully launched a rocket to the Sun. NASA and China successfully landed copters on planet Mars. Entrepreneurs, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezo, and Elon Musk launched rocket into space. These are laudable achievements that inspire everyone to remain optimistic.

The reports of organizations, World Health Organizations [WHO], UNICEF, and Food and Agricultural Organizations [FAO] confirm that year 2021 was a challenging year.

The COVID 19 pandemic created financial, logistic, and administrative challenges that tasked experienced executives and entrepreneurs. It is noteworthy and remarkable that while the generality of entrepreneurs suffered business disruptions and frustrations, the Super rich, who represent about 5 per cent of our global population got richer.

Very many enterprises could not leave up to their promise. Many employees lost their job. People became skeptical about venturing into business to take risks, and  apply their passion to develop things that give value to people.


It is a new dawn. There is hope for a brighter year for you as an entrepreneur. There is cause for optimism. “The darkest hour is the hour before the dawn. You could assume year 2021 to be the darkest hour.

You have noted that the Super -rich got richer in year 2021. You want to get knowledge of these principles and techniques they applied to get richer while other entrepreneurs suffered frustration and setbacks. If you can capture the principles and techniques that successful achievers use, and apply them in life and business, you are sure to scale your status and wealth in 2022. You can conclude that the focal strategy for victory in life and business for you is to learn and apply the principles and techniques that successful achievers use to achieve their goals.

Where can you find these principles and techniques to copy them?

If you find these principles and techniques, will you copy them and use them?

If you get knowledge of these principles and techniques, and apply them to achieve victory, will you share the knowledge with others to make our world a better place, and boost your significance?

You need answers to the above posers to achieve worthwhile goals. Be sincere in your answers. Your purpose is to identify your passion and interests. We live to identify our life purpose, manifest our life goals, and make our world a better place. This is the way to create your real legacy that generates contentment and fulfillment.

Where to get knowledge

You can get knowledge of the principles and techniques that successful achievers apply by studying their habits, business management, life styles, and ventures. Stories of the experiences, lifestyle, and business affairs of successful achievers are regularly shared on newspapers, social media, magazines, and books. You will learn about them and the principles and techniques they use in life and business through these channels. Those who have the privilege of working closely with successful achievers also get thisknowledge.


Another way you can get this knowledge is from mentors. Successful achievers got their knowledge from mentors. You too can get this knowledge from mentors. Cultivate relationship with suitable mentors to get this valued knowledge.

Read quality books

Readers of quality books, who apply what they learned and ideas that they got from books turn out to become leaders and successful achievers. Read quality books on your fields of interest to get knowledge and ideas. Read quality books on what you are passionate about. Read biography of successful achievers. Read trade journals. Books can mentor you to develop self and achieve success.

Read and Earn $Millions Program is a Global Leaders’ Wealth Enhancement Initiative that provides you with quality motivational books free. You can join the Program. Signup for life membership with only $20. You get free motivational books, business tools and support to build a lucrative business and a life of significance.

Visit https;// for details 

Skills acquisition and personal development

Skills acquisition and personal development is a master tool of strategy for victory in life and business. It pays to acquire knowledge and develop skills on your area of interest. However, when you consider skillsacquisitions as an entrepreneur, you want to bear in mind that you are not required to acquire skills on all departments of your field of interest to lead and achieve success.

You may acquire general knowledge of your business and apply the advantage of skilled team members to scale and achieve your goals. Henry Ford was not skilled in all fields of automotive engineering, but he teamed up with motivated engineers and marketers to give the world an amazing auto brand.

You do not have to learn how to play all musical instruments to express your passion as a musician. Team work supports you to achieve your goals.

Visit  for details 

Build effective team

Building effective team is necessary in your strategy for victory in life and business. You get more work done with a team. You also develop effectiveness with a team.

Personal habits

There are some personal habits successful achievers possess and you need to develop to achieve victory and success consistently. You need to develop positive thinking, positive attitude, positive mindset, patience, determination, grit, imagination, persistence, self-confidence, and some others. We may discuss this in details in a subsequent newsletter.

Visit  for details 




How to Grow Rich and Scale Significance

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