Tuesday, 22 November 2022

10 Tips to become Financially Independent

10 Tips to become Financially Independent 

 I will share how you can become financially independent. I will highlight 10 tips for your reflections and application.

As an entrepreneur you might be passionate to build your business and attain financial independence. You might be full of enthusiasm and hard working, but without financial knowledge of how money works you will be hampered.

You can get knowledge of how successful entrepreneurs equip themselves to  become financially independent.

It could be that you are enjoying some measure of success and feel comfortable at this point in time.

It could be that circumstances are not as pleasant as you would want them to be.

It could be that you doubt that you could ever attain financial independence.

One point to note is that you can scale your status, your worth, your significance, your relevance, and your wealth. Other people made it!

You want to get knowledge of how money works and how you can equip yourself to become financially independent.

I will share tips you could apply in life and business to attain financial independence and time freedom.

It is important to emphasize time freedom.

Time freedom is a state you want to achieve in life so that you can have ample time to attend to things that are important to you.

The tips that I will share are not new or uncommon. They are the habits that successful entrepreneurs and the super –rich apply to facilitate their drive and remain financially independent.

Take note that these tips are recommended for your application and personal development.

These tips are not magic formulas. You are required to get the knowledge and apply the tips to develop your potential and power to become financially independent.

Jason R Smith posted on Facebook, “The best secret in life one you learn…… The most important step after you learn is to implement it to your life and business. This is the No. 1 rule to any type of growth.”

I need to disclose that this post is for general educational purposes to inspire readers to scale their status. The work should not be taken as a work of authority.

I am a blogger and affiliate marketer with passion for entrepreneurship development. I share links to products, services, platforms and organizations that I recommend. If you click on any link I share and make a purchase I will be paid commission at no extra charge to you.

Thomas Jefferson stated, “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

You can become financially independent when you apply the right mental attitude.

You want to grab this knowledge and apply them to attain financial independence and time freedom.

You can develop yourself and have time to spend with family, friends and loved ones.

You can keep earning while you are sleeping, or are on vacation.

You can join the class of the rich who keep getting richer.

Hard work alone cannot support you to become financially independent. You need financial knowledge and mentoring to turn your passion, potential, skills and talent to business that creates financial independence.

You can start building business with little capital; and apply passion, mentoring, discipline, creative thinking and determination to become financially independent by developing on what you love to do.

 Robert Kiyosaki pointed out that “The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person’s ability to convert earned income into passive or portfolio income.”

You can scale your status and wealth by developing a habit of converting your earnings to passive or portfolio income.

Passive income is income or earnings derived from enterprise in which you are not actively involved.

Real estate, selling products online, affiliate marketing, mutual funds and publishing online courses are  some ventures that generate passive income.

Portfolio income is income  received from dividends, interest, capital gains and investments.

Consider this global situation. There is enough global wealth to keep everybody rich. Ironically only 5 percent of global population is super-rich. They have a share of over 85 percent of our global wealth. 

An additional 40 percent of global population are comfortable and have a share of 10 percent of global wealth.

55 percent of global population is poor and financially dependent because they lack knowledge of how to get a share of our global wealth.

What class or group of global population would you desire to belong to?

Would you choose your comfort zone and settle down with the financially dependent group?

Or, would you acquire financial knowledge and scale your status to become financially independent?

Would you express the mental attitude to dare to become financially independent?

You can make it if you dare!

Do you desire to get financial knowledge to start converting part of your earned income into passive or portfolio income?

I will now share 10 tips to guide you to become financially independent.

Please note that this is not a get rich quick offer. The knowledge and tips shared here are common principles and habits that successful entrepreneurs apply to grow their life and business and become financially independent.

Do you believe that you have the potential to develop a business that provides something of value for people to scale your significance and attain financial independence?

Do you desire to develop a business on what you love to do and earn income to convert to passive or portfolio income to attain financial independence?

If you answered yes to any of the above posers, then comment “interested” in the comment box to receive my newsletter for inspiration.

You are called upon to get the knowledge and take necessary actions to achieve your goal. It is your part to apply the knowledge consistently.

10 Tips to become financially independent



Right mental attitude


Love and Positive Thinking


Thinking and taking action 

Robert Kiyosaki stated, “Te poor are people who don’t think but act. The middle class are people who think but don’t act. The rich are people who think and act.”


Use your Mind and Imagination

Your mind has creative power

Visit https://amazon.com/dp/BOBGNCD2BH for more


Build your business on what you love to do

Your passion leads you to excellence


Have your money work for you 

Don’t work for money


Get mentoring

Use the services of experts and experienced coaches


Dream big, set goals


Get knowledge

Read books, attend conferences, seminars and presentations

How to Build a Business That Generates $Millions


Live the Golden Rule 

Love people, develop spiritual wealth

Give alms.

Apply these tips in life and watch as you scale your status and wealth.

Develop a positive mindset and character. Your character is sure to trigger the manifestation of your greatness, your wealth, and your goals.

Here you have 10 tips to become financially independent. Here you have the knowledge of what the rich do to keep getting richer.

Watch this Youtube video for more.

You can apply these tips to develop yourself to become financially independent.

I hope you got some value from this post. I invite you to make some comments in the box for the benefit of all.



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